18171 Apricorn leaves now sometimes drop sticks when broken.18171 Apricorn leaves now drop with shears or Silk Touch.18057 Golden Lure transforming into Silver Casing when its item durability has ran out.18003 18366 Pixelmon pickaxes no longer prevent the use of off-hand tools.17963 Pixelmon Box will now drop it's contents when broken.17896 Statues will now longer switch from 'Idle' to 'Walking' animation on world reload.17880 Water Floats are now located under 'Decorations' in Creative inventory.17875 Statues can now be targeted by Vanilla /kill.17841 Custom megas not called "mega" now work.17841 Custom megas can now reuse mega stones as their required item.17791 Galarian Farfetch'd can now properly evolve to SirFetch'd.

17753 Fishing will no longer yield a blank enchanted book as loot.17640 Harvest and Lightning Rod abilities no longer break spawning.17621 If a generation is disabled, spawnsets from that generation are no longer registered.17614 PLA pokéballs now display properly in the party overlay.17569 18233 Arc Chalice and Timespace Altar have regained their particle animations.17564 Fixed the Cooking Pot interaction.17515 17545 NPC Trader will now properly save after editing.16832 Raids will now respect generational config settings.13690 Wormholes to Ultra Space will no longer drop you beyond the border if smaller than the Overworlds.Updated item sprites for Dire Hit, Fluffy Tail, Guard Spec, X-Accuracy, X-Attack, X-Defense, X-SpecialAttack, X-SpecialDefense, X-Speed, Apicot Berry, Balloon Berry, Belue Berry, Bluk Berry, Cornn Berry, Durin Berry, Kuo Berry, Magost Berry, Niniku Berry, Nomel Berry, Nutpea Berry, Payapa Berry, Rabuta Berry, Spelon Berry, Topo Berry, Wepear Berry, Clear Bell, Tidal Bell, Clever Feather, Genius Feather, Health Feather, Muscle Feather, Rare Candy, Resist Feather, Soda Pop, Swift Feather, Aguav Berry, Aspear Berry, Babiri Berry, Bright Powder, Cell Battery, Charti Berry, Cheri Berry, Chilan Berry, Coba Berry, Colbur Berry, Custa Berry, Dragon Fang, Drash Berry, Eggant Berry, Eject Button, Enigma Berry, Eviolite, Fig Berry, Ganlon Berry, Ginema Berry, Haban Berry, Hard Stone, Iapapa Berry, Iron Ball, Jaboca Berry, Kasib Berry, Kebia Berry, Lansat Berry, Leftovers, Leppa Berry, Liechi Berry, Light Ball, Light Clay, Lucky Punch, Lum Berry, Magnet, Mago berry, Maranga Berry, Mental Herb, Metal Coat, Metal Powder, Metronome, Micle Berry, Miracle Seed, Mystic Water, Never-Melt Ice, Occa Berry, Oran Berry, Passho Berry, Pecha Berry, Persim Berry, Petaya Berry, Poison Barb, Power Herb, Pumkin Berry, Quick Claw, Quick Powder, Rawst Berry, Rhindo Berry, Ring Target, Roseli Berry, Rowap Berry, Salac Berry, Sharp Beak, Shell Bell, Shuca Berry, Silk Scarf, Silver Powder, Sitrus Berry, Smoke Ball, Soft Sand, Soothe Bell, Starf Berry, Tanga Berry, Throat Spray, Touga Berry, Twisted Spoon, Wacan Berry, White Herb, Wide Lens, Wiki Berry, Yache Berry, Yago Berry, Zoom Lens, Alpha Shard, Delta Shard, Omega Shard, Balm Mushroom, Big Mushroom, Big Nugget, Big Pearl, Black Shard, Blue Shard, Comet Shard, Gold Leaf, Green Shard, Heart Scale, Nugget, Pearl, Pearl String, Pretty Feather, Pretty Wing, Rare Bone, Red Shard, Relic Shard, Relic Band, Relic Copper, Relic Crown, Relic Gold, Relic Silver, Relic Statue, Relic Vase, Shoal Salt, Shoal Shell, Silver Leaf, Slowpoke Tail, Star Piece, Stardust, Strange Souvenir, Tiny Mushroom, White Shard, Yellow Shard, Reins of Unity and Reveal Glass.Iron Disc, Aluminum Disc, and Platinum Disc have now been fully removed.17668 17774 Added rolls for fortune and silk touch enchantments to Gem and Evo shard loot tables.
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